Changes to Signal and Update Service Signals as of 01 July 2024 from 28-06-2024 18:00 CEST to 28-06-2024 19:00 CEST

Scheduled maintenance KVK producten
28-06-2024 18:00 CEST · 1 hour



Utrecht, 28 juni 2024

Dear Customer,

In February of this year, we informed you about the replacement of five signals provided via the Signal & Update Service. Below is a summary of which signals are being replaced and what the specific changes are. If you do not use the signals listed below, this message does not apply to you.

  • Old stable signal
    Signal Activity Change 2018

    Replacement stable signal

Signal Activity Change 2023_01


The replacement signal will have ‘stable’ status and will be the new standard for requests. The old stable signal will be marked as ‘Deprecated’ as of 1 July.

  • Old stable signal
    Signal Termination 2019

    Replacement stable signal

Signal Termination 2023_01


The replacement signal will have ‘stable’ status and will be the new standard for requests. The old stable signal will be marked as ‘Deprecated’ as of 1 July.

  • Old stable signal
    Signal Officer Change 2018

    Replacement stable signal

Signal Officer Change 2022_01


The replacement signal will have ‘stable’ status and will be the new standard for requests. The old stable signal will be marked as ‘Deprecated’ as of 1 July.

  • Old stable signal
    Signal Merger & Split 2019

    Replacement stable signal

Signal Merger & Split 2023_01


The replacement signal will have ‘stable’ status and will be the new standard for requests. The old stable signal will be marked as ‘Deprecated’ as of 1 July.

  • Old stable signal
    Signal New Registration 2018

    Replacement stable signal

Signal New Registration 2023_01


The replacement signal will have ‘stable’ status and will be the new standard for requests. The old stable signal will be marked as ‘Deprecated’ as of 1 July.

What is important for you?

As previously announced, it will no longer be possible to request the old stable signals from 1 July if specifically asked for. These signals will be marked as ‘Deprecated’ and will no longer be usable from 1 July.

Best regards,
Servicedesk KVK

28-06-2024 · 18:00 CEST

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